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8215 N. 19TH AVE.

19NORTH Community Garden is all shared space, shared harvesting and shared work - it's YOUR space, come join in!

No fees or membership! 

Communal work and communal share


Workdays: Saturdays from 8:00am - 10:00am. 


The community garden is City owned property leased to 19NORTH and is 2.3 acres of land adjacent to the light rail in the heart of 19NORTH! 

It is a space for gardening and community to be experienced


There is garden to table lifestyle learning opportunities and is led and maintained by community volunteers

This effort has been made possible by generous donations from community partners.



Our priority is to help businesses between 15th Ave and 23rd Ave between Dunlap to Montebello be known by the community and to encourage the community to engage with our local businesses!


- Partners include PD, County Prosecutor, City Council, residents, business owners, land owners and Neighborhood Services


-We do regular site visits to various business' to hear and evaluate safety concerns at businesses


-Social Media Campaigns and Monthly Events

- Phoenix Community and Economic Development is promoting 19NORTH to developers/investors 

-Neighborhood Services is partnering with our Business Alliance to encourage property owners to make needed safety improvements 

-our Desert Horizon Police continue to partner with our businesses to deter crime and arrest criminals 

-City and County Prosecutor offices are working on ways to give our community more voice in the prosecution of crimes that happen in 19NORTH


It is through these kinds of community collaboration that we will achieve our vision for 19NORTH...
“Every Business Thrives, Every Student Succeeds and Every Neighborhood is Safe”


19North works alongside City of Phoenix planning to create a community that is working together to produce a Transit Oriented Development District Plan. 


We also partner with our police, detectives and City Prosecutors! 


19North is also located in the opportunity zone for developers giving tax incentives for investing in our neighborhood!

As developers seek areas for investment, 19North is a recommended location by our city partners.



Washington High School

"Every Student Succeeds" is part of our 19NORTH Mission...
We are excited to share that we are partnering with the Construction Industry (Valley Metro, City of Phoenix, Kiewit, McCarthy, Laborers, Carpenters, Engineers, Jacobs) and our own Washington High School to build a 
Construction Industry Workforce Pipeline!


Workforce Development Team

- Includes representation from City offices, local schools, and

businesses to bring job opportunities into the community. 


 -“Construction Industry Career Pipeline” events to encourage careers in the construction industry


HOPE COACHES are people from our 19NORTH Community, that go out with Phoenix Rescue Mission to engage with individuals living on our streets - offering hope and needed services to end their homelessness.

Our next 19NORTH Hope Coach group day is September 21st
9am - 11am
Meet at 1802 N. 19th Ave 
(Plaza next to Albertson's)


If you are interested in joining us, please email to sign up:


Shannon McBride

Founder & Executive Director


©2023 by 19NORTH

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